See What I Hear? Episode 150

In episode 150 Dylan & Allan celebrate and reflect. They spotlight a special album and Allan showcases the fact that while Dylan is always strong, he hasn’t improved very much. Oh Well!

3 Replies to “See What I Hear? Episode 150”

  1. WOW! Congrats on not only 150 regular shows, but also the Christmas and special shows. Also congrats on passing 7,500 views to your podcast. From an idea you had back in 2019 your listeners have had thousands of hours of entertainment. In my humble opinion that makes this a very successful experiment. What ever you decide to do, I will always be happy you did these shows. I will comment on this episode next week. Spoiler alert, loved the show.

  2. Congratulations on 150 Episodes!

    Great show for such an occasion, and another Album Spotlight that I own myself. That Dire Straits album has to be one of the great debut albums in rock history. And the comparison between Dean Martin and Mark Knopfler is spot on! Relaxed, economical, no wasted energy, and both completely brilliant. One with his voice, one fingerpicking a Fender Stratocaster. Great stuff…

    Great selection of songs, and one of my all-time favorite Judas Priest deep tracks, “You Don’t Have to be Old to be Wise”.

    Thanks for 150 hours of great music! I’m kinda nervous what the future holds, but what a great ride it has been. And thanks to Dylan and Madam Producer, as well.

    Hope everybody is well!

  3. Great show. You either went out with a bang, or it was a fantastic way to start a new era. Opening songs were very good, the album spotlight was a great showcase for Dire Straits, and the cover song was better than the original version. I will always thank the show for introducing me to O.A.R. That would be a blast if you get them for your private show. The final song was a perfect . Elvis was at his best singing the music he truly loved. Now we wait to see what you guys are going to do. Try to stay warm.

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